Signed in as:
NOTICE OF PROJECT MEETING: The Neighborhood Bill of Rights Ordinance affords registered Neighborhood Associations the right to request a meeting, for the purpose of discussion and/or negotiation, with applicants requesting changes in land use or County staff on upcoming projects. Upon request from the applicant or an association representative, the County must schedule a meeting with representatives of the applicant and/or County staff, at a reasonable time and location determined by the County to allow members of one or more associations to ask questions or to voice concerns and make suggestions. County staff is required to document all commitments or agreements made during such meetings. Meetings may be held at County offices and conference rooms during regular business hours or other locations and times as deemed appropriate by County staff
Nov 9, 2022:
LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Grand Oaks PUD/State Road 16
REQUESTED CHANGE: Regarding the application to modify the Grand Oaks Planned Unit Development (MAJMOD 2022-07). The modifications seek to replace a proposed project entrance with emergency vehicle access only and to request a partial waiver of the County’s Land Development Code restrictions for an area that is 1,000 feet or more from the nearby bald eagle nest. The application also seeks to remove a proposed connection to County Road 2209 and revise traffic mitigation requirements on State Road 16. The proposed modifications to the Grand Oaks PUD would not increase the number of dwelling units or density within the PUD.
Nov 1, 2022:
PROJECT NAME: The Cottages at St. Johns
LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 5670 State Road 16
(1) Request to rezone approximately 25.8 acres of land from Open Rural (OR) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) to accommodate development of a maximum 250 multi-family residential units. (PUD 2021-18 The Cottages at St. Johns. Application Number CPA(SS)-2021000024.)
(2) Request for a Small-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the Future Land Use Map designation of approximately 25.8 acres of land from Residential (Res-C) to Residential-D (Res-D) to allow for the development of 250 multi-family residential units. (CPA (SS) 2021-24 The Cottages at St. Johns. Application Number PUD-2021000018.)
June 2022:
LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Mill Creek Estates/5057 Silo Rd.
REQUESTED CHANGE: Request to appeal the Administrative Interpretation (ADMI 2021-01) concerning the application of Comprehensive Plan residential density limitations for Special Care Housing, as allowed by right within the Open Rural (OR) Zoning District. Application Number ADMA-2022000002. The specifics of the project description are subject to change throughout the review and approval process. Project Name: Special Care Housing - Mill Creek Estates/Silver Treasures ALF.
Spring 2022:
Prescribed Fire Notice: St. Johns County staff is sending out this courtesy message to adjacent property owners and managers that an authorized burn contractor is scheduled to conduct a prescribed burn in the northeast section of the Turnbull Creek Conservation Area within the next few weeks, depending on weather conditions and a permit from the Florida Forest Service. The Turnbull Creek Conservation Area is located on SR 16 just south of S. Francis Rd . A notice will be posted on St. Johns County social media sites the day of the scheduled burn. Contact: Ryan Mauch, St. Johns County Environmental Division, 904-209-0621,
Feb 22, 2022:
REQUESTED CHANGE: Request for a Major Modification to the Pacetti Road Plaza PUD (ORD. 2010-1, as amended) to increase allowable retail and office square footage from 28,600 square feet to 114,003 square feet to allow for a Self-Storage facility. Application Number MAJMOD-2021000018. Project Name: Pacetti Road Plaza PUD.
Jan 8, 2022:
Project Name: Pacetti Road Plaza PUD Application Number MAJMOD-2021000018.
LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Westside of Pacetti Road, just south of Meadowlark Lane, across from Samara Lakes Parkway (View Map)
REQUESTED CHANGE: Request for a Major Modification to the Pacetti Road Plaza PUD (ORD. 2010-1, as amended) to increase allowable retail and office square footage from 28,600 square feet to 114,003 square feet to allow for a Self-Storage Facility.
July 1, 2021:
Permit Number: #2021-0375
Applicant Name: AT&T Project
Location: 101 Meadowlark Ln, Saint Augustine, 32092
Project Description: AT&T proposes to place 239' of fiber cable via trench and bore.
Jan 5, 2021:
REQUESTED CHANGE: TrailMark Added Lands (COMPAMD 2019-08) application proposes to change the Future Land Use Map classification of approximately 71 acres from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Residential-C (Res-C).
Nov 2020:
Project Name: State Road 16 Car Condos PUD.
REQUESTED CHANGE: Request to Rezone approximately 5.74 acres of land from Open Rural (OR) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) to allow for a maximum of 77,000 square feet of commercial development, of which 55,000 square feet shall be utilized for Car Condo Facility.
Application Number PUD-2019000009.
Aug/Sept 2020:
Project Name: Silo Road and Farm Creek Road Drainage Infrastructure Renewal
Project Location: Silo Road and Farm Creek Road
Project Description: Deteriorated drainage assets along Silo and Farm Creek Roads were identified by the County’s drainage asset condition assessment program. Replacement and rehabilitation is scheduled to begin in September.
Jun 11, 2020:
Project Name: Pacetti Road @ Meadowlark Lane/Samara Lakes Parkway Traffic Signal
Project Location: Intersection of Pacetti Road/Meadowlark Lane/Samara Lakes Parkway
Project Description: A new traffic signal identified as a needed transportation improvement is proposed at the above intersection. Construction is anticipated to begin Monday, June 29th, completion is expected within 12 months (weather permitting). Periodic lane restrictions and/or closures are likely during construction.
Project Duration: 12 months (weather permitting)
Mar 11, 2020: Please plan to Join our next HOA Meeting on March 11 at 6:30 in the Pacetti Bay Middle Auditorium. We will have guest speaker Doug Bataille, Director of St. Johns Parks and Recreation Dept. Hopefully to answer some questions about the "Pacetti Park."
Feb 12, 2020: SJSO will be in attendance at the next HOA Meeting
Commander Cronin will be speaking at the next HOA Meeting, Wednesday, February 12, 2020 at 7pm in the Pacetti Bay Middle Media Center (Library). He asks if anyone has any specific questions to please let the BOD know ahead of time. Email your concerns and questions to with the subject line: SJSO Questions.
Dec 2019: Letter From St. Johns County Traffic & Transportation Department
HOA Board contacted the SJC Traffic & Transportation Department in regards to a "rumor" of a possible Traffic light at the front our neighborhood. Their response:
May 12, 2021: The HOA Board would like to remind everyone that per our Rules & Regulations there is to be no extended street parking. Since we are not able to patrol 24/7, we would like your assistance. If you observe a vehicle parked on the street for extended time, please submit a photo and address to and a violation letter will be issued to the homeowner/tenant. Please keep in mind that we are having a tremendous turnover of homeowners recently and a friendly reminder would be a nice gesture.
Thank you, The Meadows HOA Board
11/10/2020: As per the ARC Guidelines:
• Holiday decorations tastefully displayed during a reasonable amount of time following the holiday do not require ARC approval. Any holiday decorations must not be up more than 30 day in advance of the holiday and must be removed 30 days following the end of the holiday.
6/03/2020: Any improvements, or changes made to the outside of your home may require an ARC Approval. Please be sure to check with our guidelines before taking on any home projects. ARC Guidelines
3/12/2020: Yard Waste (clippings, bush and tree trimmings) are picked up on Tuesdays. If you have excessive amounts of yard waste, please contact Republic Services to schedule a pick-up
1/4/2020: Allow space for a fire truck or ambulance if you or your guests require temporary street parking.
12/29/12019: Remember bulk trash goes out on Monday with Regular Trash.
*Please cut up and fold your cardboard boxes for recycle day. Only boxes that fit in the pail will be taken. Not everyone needs to know what you received this Holiday Season.
Please plan to Join our next HOA Meeting on March 11 at 6:30 in the Pacetti Bay Middle Auditorium. We will have guest speaker Doug Bataille, Director of St. Johns Parks and Recreation Dept. Hopefully to answer some questions about the "Pacetti Park."
The county construction design-build project resulted in a parking lot/restroom - not a park.
St. Johns County references it as: Pacetti Bay Common (parking lot/restroom)
Photo of county construction notice taken December 14, 2019 at 3:50 PM
Good afternoon neighbors, we don't have much new information on the park but want to stay in contact about it. Your HOA board has recieved basically the same information as everyone else who has reached out to Commissioner Smith: that the county is gathering information and will host a community meeting to discuss the park. We did hear that there still is some electrical work to be done, no word though about the water.
We are doing everything can to hurry this along, our HOA meeting minutes in which the park was discussed have been requested and will be shared asap. In addition, your HOA board president has requested a personal meeting with Doug Bataille, director of the parks & recs department, next week but that has not yet been scheduled.
We will update you soon, whether we have new information or not.
Your HOA board regrets to inform you that we have received communication from the parks department that the park at the entrance to our community is essentially finished. The parks department says that there *might* be a "natural trail" and that they are "exploring opportunities for an outdoor classroom in conjunction with the middle school." Additionally, it seems as though Billy Zeits, our contact at the parks department throughout this long process, is no longer employed there. We are, obviously, extremely disappointed at this news as we appear to have had land cleared by the county in order to install a parking lot and public restrooms. That is not at all what this project was supposed to be. Your HOA board president will be contacting the parks department on Tuesday, when their offices reopen after the holiday, to gather more information and we will continue to share what we find out. Please keep in mind that this park is a county project and all inquiries should be directed to the county. As stated, we will continue to update you and you are welcome to gather information from us as we share it or, as St. John's County taxpayers and voters, you can most definitely contact the parks department at 904.209.0322 or and/or our voter-appointed county commissioner, Jeb Smith, at 904.209.0302 or
Contractors will be finishing up Phase 1 around the first week in February. The Contractors will be seeding the areas of ground that have been impacted from construction. After, Staff will be working to ensure the park is ready for public access.
Update from St. John's County Parks and Recreation Assistant Director:
The project is approximately 20% of the way towards completion.
The contractor has begun the site preparation and clearing. They are also bringing in the appropriate fill dirt to ensure they meet all drainage requirements for the improvements. The site grading will commence by Monday to meet the plans that were put together by the engineers.
The restroom plans are in permitting, and are anticipated to be completed by next week.
The anticipated project completion remains Jan. 31st.
Those present at the Annual HOA Meeting we able to meet and ask St. John's County Parks and Recreation questions.
From St John’s County Engineering, Mr. Neal Shinkre:
“In following up with my staff, it appears that the construction of the Park is anticipated to be completed by end of January, pending the power connection to the restrooms. Following hurricane Dorian, it appears that FPL is slightly behind in attending to new customers for power. But we are still hopeful that we can compete this by end of January 2020. Currently, the engineered plans have been submitted for permitting (which we anticipate within the next 2-4 weeks). Immediately after that, we will commence construction. This is a design-build project, consequently, it allows us to utilize the same company that completed the design for its construction (without having to bid this project for construction).
We surely appreciate your community’s patience is allowing us to finally complete this very anticipated project.”
St. Johns County Park and Recreation has informed us that the construction of the Pacetti Bay Park will be delayed because of permitting. The delay will be about four to six weeks.
Construction of the park will take four to six months so a new target date will be December 31st, 2019.
From St. John’s County Park and Recreation, that they are waiting for County approval. The County shared the following:
“ SJC County Engineer has submitted the MDP to planning and zoning and staff is waiting for a response.
· After response from Planning and Zoning final commercial plans will be provided.
· That will include the standard drawings needed for SJC utilities, and a new water meter and sewer connection.”l ones.
From St. Johns County Park and Recreation for the construction of the park.
Please note that this timeline is subject to change per the engineering and construction company that is undertaking the Pacetti Bay Park Project. We will keep you updated about any possible changes.
Project Start: July 8, 2019, pending approval of plans.
Clearing: July 8, 2019
Hall in Fill/Grading: July 15, 2019
Pond Excavation: July 19, 2019
Sewer and Water Tie Ins, Stormwater Structure Installation: July 25, 2019
Bathroom Building: August 20, 2019
Base and Asphalt, Signage and Striping: August 20, 2019
Completion: August 30, 2019
Plans for the Park in the Meadows are in place. Presently, construction has been slightly delayed and will now will begin in mid-May. With weather permitting, a target completion date is set for July, 2019.
Although we were originally told by the County there would be a pavilion, it has been put on hold due to the necessity of having a retention pond. Per St. John’s County Park and Recreation, in the event there are funds for a pavilion, after permitting requirements are met, then the goal will be to include the pavilion in the project.
Originally told by the County there would be a pavilion, but it has been put on hold due to the necessity of having a retention pond. Per St. John’s County Park and Recreation, in the event there are funds for a pavilion, after permitting requirements are met, then the goal will be to include the pavilion in the project.
The construction of a trail, playground site, dog park, and an open play space will be prioritized by the County with the remaining funds after the total project is complete.
The County Engineer next week will be meeting with the County’s Public Works Department to discuss logistics and plans for the park’s completion. Work will begin soon and I have been guaranteed that the park will be completed by the end of June! Great news for our community and our children!
You may now reserve the parking lot/restroom area online.
* There is a catalog tab named Pacetti Bay Common.
Anyone interested in reserving the site will need to set up an account on CivicRec
Residents can visit the Little Free Library, which is conveniently located on Ardmore Street near the pond (1200 block), at their leisure. Neighbors can donate books for others to read, or take one (even two or three)to read and return or read and keep. The Library is currently filled with a variety of books for everyone, even your littles! Please feel free to stop by and enjoy its contents.
Let's Share our Love of Reading!
Every Third Saturday of the Month, Join us as we gather to keep The Meadows Clean!
9-10am starting at the Parking Lot
on their Non-Emergency line 904-824-8304
SJSO currently has the ability for citizens to text their administrative line 904-824-8304.
Texting the administrative line is not to be used when there is a true emergency.
Please remember the following when using text to the administrative line:
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